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Warriors Never Give Up



Having courage isn’t about not being afraid it’s about how you respond to fear or nerves. Having courage helps you feel comfortable taking risks, which is not always the easiest thing to do because sometimes taking risks leads to failures which can cause criticism and self-doubt. But courageous athletes don’t mind the risk of failure, instead, they take risks anyway and try everything they can to make sure that risk is going to lead to success. Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Courage means you don’t let fear stop you.


Resilience means that you are able to bounce back after a mistake, or setback, or adversity. And a setback could be something as small as a missing a shot or something big like playing a whole season and not winning a single game. But being resilient means that you’ll still be able to succeed after you’ve experienced those setbacks. A good way to put this one is to think about the old Japanese Proverb that says, “Fall seven times and stand up eight.” It literally means even if you face a challenge, don’t let it stop you. And even if you overcome that challenge and then face a new one, don’t let that stop you either.


You don’t want to play Hockey just for the sake of playing hockey or because your friends do it or because you just want to win. You want to play hockey because you love it and you’re passionate about it. Teamwork is all about collaborating with others to reach a common goal. The diverse pairing of personalities and scenarios will help us win.


Irvine United Varsity Team





